Did you tap as a child? would you like to get back into it? Fun relaxed classes suitable for beginners and those with a little more experience. PAYG sessions
Classes Available are
Tuesdays - Perivale Community Centre, Horsenden Lane. London, UB67NP
4.00 - 4.45pm 3-6 year olds
5.00 - 5.50pm 7-11 year olds
6.00 - 6.55pm 12-18 year olds
Thursday - Bancroft Meeting place, Milton Keynes MK13 0QB
4.00 -4.45pm 3-6 year olds
5.00 -5.50pm 7-12 year olds
6.00 -6.55pm 13-18 year olds
7.00 - 7.45pm MAPA Adults Tappers
Friday's - Old Bath House, Wolverton, MK12 5RL
10.10 - 10.40am Tiny Twirlers Ballet class age 2+
Fees are charged monthly, at the start of the month, a month in advance via Gocardless an online payment system.
To book your trial contact Miss Micaela on 07803 015027 to check class availability.